Its A Mystery
Nobody knows what the next Batmobile is going to look like. Lets get that out in the open right now. Nobody knows and WB is keeping a tight, tight lip on what they're saying. Though that hasn't stopped the fans from coming up with their own concepts. Ideas ranging from [modified] Nolan's Tumbler to an evolved form of the 60's Batmobile and even Tim Burton's Batmobile have been springing up throughout the internet and on Google search results like wildfire. Lets take a look at some of these beauties I've personally cherry picked from the Google image results for Batman V Superman Batmobile.
Concept Batmobiles:
Cool Contingencies?
The Donkey And Carrot Pivot
Now me, I think that any of these would suffice. They're a bunch of awesome looking ideas. To me. Now I'm not going to speak for anyone else but as this is my blog then for here and now I like it and thats it. Do I know if they're gonna be "the one" or not? Heck no! I just put it out there because the mystery is cool. That it could be one of these. Maybe they won't work for this one but the next movie? The next one after that? We don't know! Though these will set the bar for more to come. And the fans are some of the most creative people because its a hobby. Thats it. They're not looking to make a career out of designing these things. Maybe some already do that as a career. We don't know.
An Icon You Can Believe In
Its just the idea of these maybe one day becoming the [ed. Batmobile], the feeling that suffices and gets us through. Thats whats up right there. It gives us hope to wake up and find out tomorrow or two days from now if these will fly because they're worth believing in. Why? If anything else because they're not part of the problem in appearing stupid. They're part of the solution in potentially being options. Does the other guy have anything better to throw on up here? If so then bring it on. If not, then it still beats what they don't got too. You're welcome.
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